
Design Boards

Our designer will meet with you in your home to assess the space and discuss your needs and personal style. This information will be used to create a design board with suggestions for the look and feel of your space. Our design boards will be the basis for our personal shopping service, see below for more information.

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Architectural Drawings

We work with Studio Intersekt’s talented team of architectural engineers to design and asses all structural and mechanical aspects of your renovation, including lighting and plumbing and provide this information in the form of architectural drawings sealed by a licensed architectural engineer.

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Personal Shopping

Once our design boards are approved by our homeowners, they will be used to create a designer-curated list of all the products required for your home’s transformation, complete with images and prices. Your list will include everything from cabinetry and flooring to finishing items, such as a throw for your bed, or a plant for your table. We will determine proper quantities, asses any technical requirements or limitations and locate and retrieve your items.

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Designed For You

We will create something that is distinctly you; a space that is both an extension of your personality and style. We will ensure the space functions to suit and enhance your lifestyle.